I’ve got to admit that when I first heard of the anti-cars community, I was a little skeptical. “Whats wrong with cars?” I thought. But the more I lurked, and the more I watched youtube channels like Not just bikes, the more I understood just how shitty the world is around us. Fuck Cars.

  • @sascuach
    12 years ago

    Any tips for cycling on roads with cars? It’d benefit me for getting around faster, but I’ve only done it once, and it was terrifying.

    • @sexy_peach@feddit.de
      12 years ago

      Don’t die. No, honestly I don’t have any tips :/

      Maybe get proper light for your bike and turn it on if vision outside isn’t optimal. Don’t ride in the gutter, have space to feel comfortable, cars are going to overtake close anyways.