Glowies in full on propaganda gaslighting mode. now with extra hipness…

    • BreadbeardOP
      2 years ago

      vice is like embedded journalism, but for US funded cartels, terrorists & extremists. their journalists provide the cover for a lot of glowie operations

      pretty sure that without vice, there wouldn’t be a relevant number of identitarians in Europe right now. becaues they pretty much created the image of the rightwing being the arbiters of social revolution against the establishment when they are in fact their strawman Freikorps full of conservative bourgeoise kids

        • BreadbeardOP
          22 years ago

          regarding McInnes one has got to hand it to them: one hell of a character arc for a glowstick. including live buttplug reveal… I mean if You find a character like this, keep holding your camera into their faces and hear the coins rolling into your wallet. even if it isn’t a fucking cointelpro sting first being used to fuck over BLM and student protests and then fuck itself against the wall. you gotta hand it to the feds, they have some sort of demented humor. Just look at Ukraine: every nazi was cheering and running their mouths about Ukraine being this great white supremacist homeland where you could shoot real people at a real front and everybody wanted to take their nazi militia LARPing and identitarian/altright instagramm likes and circlejerk scorecards to the next level and decided to go fight in Ukraine. Where they are now being evaporated

          As Zizek once said: The think that defeats the thing is more than often the thing itself…