I’m not sure if it’s just me but the Skip site seems to have been based on supernatural versions of UN, FBI, ISA, NATO and simmilar organizations (yeah there are some KGB or “against the system” inspired ones but they are usually portrayed as incompetent or evil).

And that’s only if you are aware of the constant prowestern propaganda, explicit and implicit. They also have managed to make very difficult for new users to create official skips for they favour old and renowned creators (some of them having enough free time to make exhausting 30 page issues every week) over anyone else thus having a higher control of this supposedly shared multiverse.

I’m asking because it could be awesome if there are enough users like you, who have wanted to share their ideas there but they didn’t succeed as expected or are getting tired of that community slowly becoming a shell of its past self, a personal opinion, or just are tired of some aspects of that community and want to be part of a “descentralised” fiction project. Anyway not everything has to be related to politics and global issues, so having a place like that could be something, besides memes, that could alleviate the ongoing pains of living with liberals.

TL,DR: Would you be part of a left “SCP” like community?

If you think there’s a better community where to post this please let me know, and I’ll remove this one.

    • Marxism-Fennekinism
      2 years ago

      I’m thinking of something like /c/left_scp or /c/socialistcontainprotect (not sure if the last one exceeds character limit tho).

      Or maybe we should ditch the “SCP” name and come up with our very own org name? Especially since then they can’t sue us if this ever gets big. To that end, I’m thinking of something like the “Ministry of the Supernatural”, the “Yāoguài Institute” (Pinyin of 妖怪, Mandarin Chinese for “monster”, “goul”, “demon”, or supernatural entities in general), or the “Bytiye Institute” (Romanisation of бытие, Russian for “being”, “entity”, or “existence”). Thoughts?

      @PropagandaBot@lemmygrad.ml, do you have any thoughts? I definitely want you on board if a community gets created!

      • @Shrike502@lemmygrad.ml
        62 years ago

        Russian speaker here, I don’t think Bytie Institute works. For one, it specifically means “existence”, like in that quote (Бытие определяет сознание). At the same time, I think the name should be somewhat more vague and officious. I.e. Central Committee for Extranormal Activities. Or something with Главное Управление in it.

      • @cayde6ml@lemmygrad.ml
        42 years ago

        I’m no expert on law, but I know that SCP stuff is licensed under creative commons, so maybe it could be called the SCP Foundation still. But it might act as beacon for reactionaries.

        In any case, I’d love to explore this with you, and we can pm each other.

        • Marxism-Fennekinism
          2 years ago

          that SCP stuff is licensed under creative commons, so maybe it could be called the SCP Foundation still.

          I’m more worried about trademark litigation than copyright litigation. Even if SCP is creative commons, they most likely still have a trademark on the name.

      • @Braincrab@lemmygrad.ml
        22 years ago

        Honestly a separate org or universe seems like best idea. A “tankie scp” would just get brigaded to no end by the original group but an offshoot into the same genre of fiction that happens to be run by socialists but doesn’t need constant propoganda would attract neutral interest and disillusioned writers from main SCP rather than hatred.

        Byitye institute sounds good, IMO. It moreso means reality/existence, but it does also mean entity, so it’s got a nice double meaning considering they deal with each.

        My idea is some old Soviet group that got founded in the early 1920s before any others to deal with the occult warfare of the tsarist white army, expanded, kept going in extreme secrecy against Nazi occult magic until the 60s, over which time they encountered a lot of other orgs. Then there’s a paranormal cold war between them and the west, and, now, having split entirely from Russia and self controlling, it’s the most experienced and geographically widespread org by far, trying to manage the politics of a fuckton of other groups that hate both it and eachother, and not letting the world burn.