Can someone actually check this, I am skeptical.

  • Helix 🧬
    42 years ago

    It apparently works under medium temperatures of about 300°C and pressures of a few MPa, it’s also stable for more than 1000h but the catalyst still has to be manufactured on large scale for this to be viable.

    This is basically a laboratory experiment which successfully worked on a few litres of gaseous CO₂ but the authors themselves only say it’s promising and needs to be put into an actual industrial process.

    Not to downplay this, it could basically mean you can do carbon capture with excess renewable energy AND produce nearly net neutral carbon fuels out of them, but most likely you could store the excess energy in hydro or flywheels to not have to convert it twice with horrible efficiency.

    Companies will look into this when the oil prices skyrocket about five to ten times of what they are now.