Im interested in cryptos, because it could serve as a foundation for an internet funded by people and communities. A crypto that protects people’s privacy and has a low energy cost.

But is this enough to make it ethical? Are there other aspects to take into concideration? Or is ethical cryptos possible?

In particular Im looking into Mobilecoin which Signal has integrated into their app.

  • @quaver
    2 years ago

    Agreed. IIRC, though they call the currency “carbon-negative” or whatever, they actually just pay some company to plant trees for them. That doesn’t make it a ‘green currency’.

    • @Liwott
      22 years ago

      Apparently they both consume way less energy than PoW and PoS cryptos, and invest in solar plants in India that produce more energy back, hance having a negative balance.

      What is it that you would call a green currency?