• @const_void
    22 years ago

    Classic KGB. Fear, uncertainty, doubt.

      • @ArchimedesTesseract
        112 years ago

        Amassing troops on Ukraine’s borders, edging warplanes into Finland’s airspace, and getting chased about by the Irish fishing fleet certainly isn’t spreading FUD, right?

        • @guojing
          -52 years ago

          “Ukraines borders” is Russian teritorry, so of course the military is stationed there. Meanwhile, why does United States and NATO have military bases all over eastern Europe?

          • @abbenm
            92 years ago

            so of course the military is stationed there

            What are you talking about? They weren’t stationed there until just this year. And they’re stationed in Belarus, Moldova, Crimea along with forces in the Baltic Sea.

          • @ArchimedesTesseract
            12 years ago

            To discourage Russia from invading it’s neighbors, maybe? As it repeatedly has. You’re not suggesting that the massed troops aren’t a direct threat, are you? Because the last time that happened, Russia did indeed invade Ukraine.

            • @guojing
              -22 years ago

              Russia has never invaded Ukraine. If you are talking about Crimea, there was a referendum held on joining Russia, and the large majority agreed. Not surprising when a fascist coup is happening, and nationalist militias intend to murder ethnic Russians.

              • @ArchimedesTesseract
                2 years ago

                Untrue, comrade. Donbas was lousy with Russian troops. You’ve got quite a list of lies there, too. The best one is divining intent without a shred of evidence.

                • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
                  12 years ago

                  Using that logic, NATO has invaded Ukraine since Ukraine is crawling with NATO troops.

                  • @ArchimedesTesseract
                    02 years ago

                    Using your Russian propagandist logic, NATO rescued their Ukrainian speaking peoples.

                • @guojing
                  02 years ago

                  I have watched videos from Donbass, and there was not a single Russian soldier to be seen. But if you are so sure, show me a single picture/video of a soldier with Russian insignia in Donbass. It is true that individual Russians travelled to Donbass and joined the militia. Nothing wrong with that, fascists from all the western countries are fighting alongside the Ukrainian military.

                  • @ArchimedesTesseract
                    -22 years ago

                    Lol, they dropped that pretense quite a while ago. You’re late to the disinformation campaign. The little green men are so 2014.

                    Also, if everyone looks like a fascist to you, is that because you’re a communist?

        • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
          -62 years ago

          Amassing what troops? Meanwhile, exact same kind of edging is done by US regularly. US sub just violated Russian waters this week. Maybe stop guzzling propaganda for a bit and go touch grass.

          • @ArchimedesTesseract
            22 years ago

            Are you calling Putin a liar? He said that the amassed Russian troops are withdrawing. So… those troops?

            And those satellite photos of military bridges being erected in Belarus really sound like US propaganda. Yep. You doubt the facts and claim doubts as factual, comrade.

            • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆OP
              02 years ago

              That’s not what he said at all. Russia conduced a joint anti-terrorism exercise in Belarus that was scheduled back in 2019. You should learn some basic facts before running your mouth.