• Helix 🧬
    52 years ago

    Your immune system handles the virus if YOU handled your immune system by making better choices.

    What the actual fuck. There’s several other reasons for having a weak immune system.

    Covid-19 is not rabies, but works like the flu.

    This is incorrect. The flu is not a coronavirus but a virus of the category orthomyxoviridae.

    • @GenkiFeral
      -12 years ago

      your level of stupidity is surprising. a comparison is not naming a category of virus, dipship. i guess the virologist who was on national TV saying exactly what I said is also incorrect. WHY a person has a weak immune system is not my concern. The planet doesn’t revolve around a few weak people. You like science? Survival of the fittest. Evolution kills off the weak. It is humane in the long run. As a whole, sugar, white flour, and cooking/culinary oils are far more deadly than covid-19 - because they are overconsumed. If you don’t love yourself, how do you expect others to love you? Heart disease, diabetes, and cancer are the top 3 killers - and mostly preventable - especially the first two. Do you want those 3 foods I mentioned made illegal or to have warning signs or to be bought only with a license and only in regulated amounts? Your logic is off and you repeat only what the MSM tells you. pathetic.

      • @pinknoise
        2 years ago

        Survival of the fittest.

        Is an emergent rule of nature, something humanity doesn’t have to abide by since most of us got something called a brain.

        It is humane in the long run.

        No it is and will be inhumane.

        If you don’t love yourself, how do you expect others to love you?

        So what you want is eugenics, did I get this right?