Hey there👋
This is a type of website, I’ve been wanting to create for a long time. This website displays various frontends for popular services. Not only are these great for your privacy but these are actually perform very well. The pages load quickly and often use minimum or no javascript.
Another thing I want to say is that I am not a web developer. There are a lot of mistakes in what I have done. Probably what I wrote makes me look like an idiot
So please no crush me
I would appreciate if you could contribute to this project and clean it up and make it better.
The chromium licensing might be a problem. Bromite is good but it’s only on android and 1. I’d like to support firefox. I use mull.
What’s the advantage of pale moon? A very good pre hardened firefox fork is librewolf. All extensions work.
I use Pale Moon because it’s somewhat popular, because it is an independent fork, and people who care about privacy seem to like it. I changed from Firefox because, with all the deals with Google, I don’t trust Mozilla/Firefox as an Open Source Project anymore. I want something developed by people who actually care about these things (privacy, freedom, etc.), not development bound by contracts with Big Tech.
GNU IceCat might be cool too.