Hey there👋

This is a type of website, I’ve been wanting to create for a long time. This website displays various frontends for popular services. Not only are these great for your privacy but these are actually perform very well. The pages load quickly and often use minimum or no javascript.

Another thing I want to say is that I am not a web developer. There are a lot of mistakes in what I have done. Probably what I wrote makes me look like an idiot

So please no crush me

I would appreciate if you could contribute to this project and clean it up and make it better.

  • Kookaburra
    2 years ago

    I think Startpage is a frontend for Google results (last time I tested, the results on the first page were the same). The only thing I’m not sure if it is dangerous to use it (I use DDG and if I can’t find anything, then I go with Startpage). @the_tech_beast@lemmy.ml is right, they are owned by an ads page now and the whole thing smells fishy.

    Also, I recommend using the Privacy Redirect extension. Supports redirects from Twitter, YT, IG, GTranslate, Maps, Reddit, Wikipedia or any search you perform, to an alternative frontend

      • Kookaburra
        22 years ago

        Indeed. just edited the previous comment. Didn’t know about that.

      • Kookaburra
        12 years ago

        Thank you, didn’t know about that one. Need to test it to see if the local results are shown as expected (this is the main reason I have to rely on Google results)