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This guy basically mirrors my experience with KDE and GNOME. I like kde a lot but Gnome feels so much more polished and comfortable to use, especially on laptops.

  • NFT screenshotterOP
    2 years ago

    okay you’re right about the root topic.

    Mainly the idea is that gnome is nice because it has generally pretty solid defaults and doesn’t expect you to do anything drastic to get the most out of it (except dark mode which is coming in a few weeks in gnome 42). This helps productivity out of the box and makes it more approachable. KDE is also good, I’m running it right now and it’s defaults are also good, but it took me a long time to get anywhere near to getting the most out of it.

    For some people that’s good, they want to be immersed into their desktop and know and control every part they use. Other people prefer a simple setup to use as a medium to get work done and put that effort into other things like their work or games or anything else. It’s really up to the type of user.

    • @blkpws
      6 months ago

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