• @poVoq
      1 year ago

      deleted by creator

    • flbn
      32 years ago

      for one, 100r created the only online community that i was able to make lifelong friends on. bringing people together is a touchstone of the internet; whereas you are dividing people with a tired comment about value production. what would you like them to do? serious question here: what would someone have to produce for you to deem their digital following/existence valuable?

      the internet is largely a marketplace of ideas. Rekka and Devine have managed to curate a niche community for FOSS artists to comfortably create in the open. i really don’t see how living a life of principles they’ve set up for themselves is vain… if anything, it’s inspiring. in spite of how much society wants you to conform to the standard living experience, you CAN escape and you CAN live life according to your values.