• @SirLotsaLocksOP
    14 years ago

    Isn’t it made with better worker conditions though? If that’s why then I’m ok with it.

    • @nutomicA
      24 years ago

      You can even buy the Librem 5 USA which includes extra Freedom ™. But seriously, their Mastodon instance is for “free speech”, so they are far too right-wing for my taste.

    • @GaussNoise
      4 years ago

      I am not 100% sure on that. IIRC they do source some parts from Europe and do some assembly in the US for the non-USA librem. In the end the librem 5 is more about directly supporting developers who work on the hardware AND the OS.


      Librem = more money directly for software devs (from the Gnome project and their own team)

      Pinephone = $10/phone donation to a given OS project but more widely available to people who can’t afford a more expensive phone.

      Just don’t expect to swap out your android/iOS phone without issue this first generation.

      • @SirLotsaLocksOP
        24 years ago

        Yeah no I don’t plan on using it as my daily driver, I like bleeding edge technology and I want to use android as little as possible but I get that it’s going to be a while before it remotely viable as an alternative to android/ios.

        • @GaussNoise
          24 years ago

          Same. It also seems like there is more Dev and community work with pine64 and purism in the mobile space than anything with android. In that the only ROMs really out there are lineage and graphineOS kinda, but now we have pureOS, mobian, postmarketOS, Ubports etc making real gains. So looking forward to the amazing community building around these devices.

          • @SirLotsaLocksOP
            34 years ago

            It’s been so long since android has been innovating for the users, meanwhile linux never stopped, in fact it’s sped up. I believe as time goes on, while app support will probably not be as amazing I do think that mobile linux will allow more innovative user experiences and control and privacy.

            • @GaussNoise
              24 years ago

              Exactly. I am personally looking forward to fedora silverblue mobile ha I should be mostly set when I get my librem. The only app I am really missing is a replacement for newpipe (YouTube).

              • @SirLotsaLocksOP
                4 years ago

                I’m looking forward to kde plasma mobile or manjaro mobile (looking it up after posting seems to be like manjaro ARM instead of a specific mobile system but it’s still interesting to see). I love the idea of running the same thing on my phone and pc. It’s like what microsoft tried to do but instead of a massive corporation it’s run by a bunch of nerds. I can’t wait to see what a whole kde system can do that an android app like kde connect couldn’t do.

                • @GaussNoise
                  34 years ago

                  Last time I checked out plasma mobile they were making good progress. I am hoping to do the same. I use gnome so phosh looks great to me. I am mainly looking forward to the day I can plug my phone into a dock as use it as a little computer. Which it seems most OSs are moving towards or already there, e.g. Ubuntu touch.

                  • @SirLotsaLocksOP
                    24 years ago

                    Yeah gnome is great for touch out of the box, I do love to see how kde is doing though. It’s a whole new territory for everyone (except ubuntu touch) so it’s going to be more difficult than just working on a normal DE or OS.