Cargo e-bikes generally have a battery capacity limit of around 25 miles (which batteries aren’t meant to be fully drained every time they’re used anyway).

Any suggestions that don’t include the use of cars in a carpool or moving?

Is “Fuck Cars” a pro-city/anti-rural philosophy?

  • @GenkiFeral
    22 years ago

    John Jeavons has an EXCELLENT book about growing your own food and goes into excruciatingly fine detail (I love details!) about square footage, food costs, how much of a food is edible (the corn plant is mostly inedible material, so not a good choice). His videos are online and I think I found (then lost) a free downloadable version of his book, too. Growing dark leafy greens yourself is the smartest way to start out. Make a long bed 4’ wide by 8 to 12’ long. You can cover it when it is cold out.