BFS has a good reputation, website in German but it is easy to understand.

Their database will constantly be updated.

  • @Peter1986c
    32 years ago

    This is not about CO2 emissions, but on radio frequency-related electric field. So I do not get why it is posted in /c/green to be honest.

      2 years ago
      • Title directly states SAR and not CO2.
      • Phones do not emit CO2, this is common sense, they emit radio waves.
      • Lots of other stuff here are shared not related directly to CO2 emissions, some people might want to know how to improve the digital life, knowing what your phones can emit might be useful for some.
      • @Peter1986c
        22 years ago

        Your reply does not answer the question.

        • CHEF-KOCHOP
          2 years ago

          Phones by itself have no CO2 emission, what is there to answer. Right, absolute nothing.

          It is about a database that people can use to get an overview of what their phones emit or if they want to buy another one they can look it up to help reduce the overall frequency surrounding them every day in their homes. That fits directly into environmentalism and frequencies.