Cargo e-bikes generally have a battery capacity limit of around 25 miles (which batteries aren’t meant to be fully drained every time they’re used anyway).

Any suggestions that don’t include the use of cars in a carpool or moving?

Is “Fuck Cars” a pro-city/anti-rural philosophy?

  • @uthrediiM
    32 years ago

    Driving in rural areas is less of a problem because there is more space to waste, there won’t be congestion because of low population density and there probably won’t be enough fumes/pollution in one place to seriously harm anyone.

    So yes, I wouldn’t mind someone driving a car in a rural area as long as:

    • either an electric car is used or fuel is not subsidised and is carbon taxed (if it is not carbon taxed you are essentially stealing from everyone else)
    • the people who use the rural roads pay for the infrastructure