I’m looking for a free and open source todo application that works/syncs with both iOS and Windows. I currently use Google Calendar + Tasks, and want to get as far away as possible from them. Any recommendations?

  • DessalinesA
    54 years ago

    Syncthing + todo.txt, with simpletask cloudless for Android, and qtodotxt for desktop.

    Boom, a synced to do list on all your devices, E2ee encrypted.

    • @blaha
      4 years ago

      I use this exact same Syncthing+Todo.txt combo, not too many of us using Todo.txt these days it seems. This later add-on is cool for snoozing and scheduling stuff.

      • DessalinesA
        34 years ago

        Whoa I never know about that add on, cool.

        Ya the main reason it’s not used is because development spec has basically stopped. I opened up a ticket on their github like 3 years ago to add multi - line notes, and it’s dead in the water.

        • @blaha
          24 years ago

          small world, I remember that ticket

          • DessalinesA
            14 years ago

            I wouldn’t even care that much, the main thing was I asked the maintainers of a few clients how great this feature would be, it would turn todo.txt into a notebook application, but the app developers all said to :(. Too much work to add to their parsers.