• krolden
    72 years ago

    Consumers wouldn’t be using single use plastics if corporations didn’t push it on everyone.

    How about stuff like milk cartons that added a plastic cap to the cardboard? It always worked fine opening the cardboard top and I would always use it up long before it spoiled. The plastic added nothing to the shelf life and just created more waste. Now every carton like that has a plastic cap.

    • @k_o_t
      32 years ago

      i agree, you listed problems that should be fixed on the supply side, this doesn’t mean there aren’t problems that should be fixed on the consumer side 🤷‍♀️

      • krolden
        32 years ago

        Oh yeah because consumers can economically recycle plastics, right.

        • @k_o_t
          32 years ago

          consumers can’t recycle plastics, nobody can, there are problems that cannot be fixed on the supply side, and single use plastics isn’t one of them

          • krolden
            12 years ago

            So how is it the consumers responsibility?

            • @k_o_t
              42 years ago

              single use plastics isn’t a consumer responsibility, i’m simply pointing out that there exist things that are indeed a responsibility of consumers to fix

                • @k_o_t
                  72 years ago

                  like not eating animal products 🤷‍♀️