• southerntofu
    3 years ago

    We need cars because our society has decided for us that they should be incentivized. Public transport is a mess (and not very affordable) and many railways in western Europe have been decommissioned. We could have modern society without cars, or at least without everyone needing to have one.

    Most emissions is not due to a person’s activity but to industry. The scale of waste is unprecedented: just consider for a second the environmental impact of surveillance capitalism: of all these Google/Facebook/NSA servers running exactly ZERO useful services for users/society, of all the CCTV cameras and other control mechanisms deployed in the streets. Add to this mix:

    • that most companies/jobs are utterly useless or destructive
    • that planned obsolescence across industries means even when we produce too much we’ll keep on wasting

    And you start to have a basic explanation of what’s fucked up about capitalism destroying our planet.

    • jazzfes
      3 years ago

      That’s exactly right. The problem is largely systemic and clearly linked to the way we run our economy.