I see these spore kits for sale in head shops in California now.
“I’m knittin’ like a fuckin electric nan”
I see these spore kits for sale in head shops in California now.
Damn, this is a really good point that I hadn’t considered. It’s the perfect example of how chasing “centrist” votes can only lead to further rightward shift. You can’t fascism your way out of fascism.
You’re making up fantasies about me, so it’s only fair I make them up about you. You do your praxis and I’ll do mine.
Big if true.
You are one of those liberals who value the status quo and respectability over all else. You don’t give a fuck about anybody suffering under this system. You just want a veneer of decorum over the atrocities so you can go back to ignoring them. You call me and my people spoiled children while we get beaten and jailed by your cops, for protesting a genocide cheered on by your politicians. I wonder if you’ve thought about what you’ll do if Trump wins. Will you go to Canada, washing your hands of the ignorant American electorate? Hey, you voted for the good guys. Everyone else gets what they deserve? Are you buying guns and ammo to defend your vulnerable neighbors? Will you just keep collecting your paychecks? I wonder.
It’s just “personal feelings” lol. It’s like you just can’t admit that you are going to vote for terrible, bloodthirsty criminals. Maybe they’d be polling better with that slogan: “Harris/Waltz: probably less bloodthirsty than the other guy!”
There are blocks of voters out there, right now, begging the dems to stop supporting genocide. These are people who would otherwise vote for the dems, but cannot in good conscience do it under these circumstances.
Nice to see redemption arc :)
This makes me wonder what other countries’ propaganda budgets are.
So parties don’t care about votes or winning?
Edit: or is this the meme about show up and vote every four years and pat yourself on the back?
So my raindrop of voting is important, but not your raindrop of pressure?
How will they be harmed by me voting or not? Me specifically? Good to know you are happy enough with the status quo of murdering tens of thousands of children to not put the slightest amount of pressure on your political leadership.
Nobody is going to suffer from my vote or non vote.
Plenty of people aren’t fine now, and the democrats don’t care. Elections are won by politicians and campaigning. You can be mad at voters all you want, but it’s up to politicians to go out and get the votes.
The dems are FA and will FO. Opposing genocide is not “pandering”.
Me and the homies have guns for that possibility, Kevin. HBU?
Please tell that to the people posting 100 memes a day about 3rd parties wrecking the election.
Thanks very much. I’ll take a look at your suggestions.
I really should learn this habit.
socialistra was a good busy sub on reddit, but I don’t know if it’s still going on over there. There’s one here somewhere but it isn’t very active. Anyway, good for you for getting out there with your weapon and practicing. Try to take some like-minded friends with you next time. If you don’t already have one, consider getting a laser ‘trainer’ cartridge. You can sit around your house and practice things like trigger pull and aiming with both eyes open.