I considered it, but most of the time what I want is for an extension to redirect for me automatically. If you want, you could create small bookmarklet with the following:
I considered it, but most of the time what I want is for an extension to redirect for me automatically. If you want, you could create small bookmarklet with the following:
Reasonable guess! It’s also likely @vis4valentine@lemmy.ml saw my pronouns on my Mastodon profile 🙂
Hi! Creator here. Let me know if you have any feedback/questions. Thanks for posting 🙂
Hi! Creator here. Let me know if you have any feedback/questions. Thanks for posting 🙂
That confused me too! They link to this in the document which may help. I’m still not sure I could explain it to someone else but maybe it will click for you :face with tongue:
I think it’s there already, but they absolutely take contributions if find other things they’re missing :slightly smiling face:
Ah whoops! Thanks!