I think there was something with the screen, trackpad and fingerprint reader? But its long ago, so idk
I get that and I would obviously prefer an completely open source linux. But on the other hand I want stuff to work. I like that for example linux mint and ububtu ask during the installation if you would like to install prorietary stuff as well, which i always click. And who would not?
Oohh, counter strike.
The main thing that annoys me is the notification and overall design to be honest. I dont think the project has a ton of designers, because its quite a nerdy project for programmers. And the heart rate sensor does not run propperly when the app is closed, even tought it shows the red heart, so it knows it should be doing stuff
I recently did that. you need the D7000 (or D6000 or E6000) rubber glue that is uesed for phoenes as well. quite cheap on ebay
Battery is very easy i think. Just heat thr back a bit to soften the rubber glue and lift up thr back. The battery is right there
To be honest i dont think this will be a huge issue for you, you propaply wont wear it so long it will die. The funcionalities are pretty limited and its not super smooth experience. Its mor of a fun thing to play around with
Then find out you cant stream stuff out of the box and find uburnu vor mint? :D ( i would recommend mint, just installed it on my desktop. Laptop still runs ubuntu)
I wonder why they dont like people fucking around with the kernel
Fedora was my first distro. But i hat issues with Hardware in my framework laptop, which should have good Linux support. But what was even more annyoing was that Video and audio codec die not work right away because it does not support proprietary which made life horrible difficult for a noob. What are your thoghts on that?
I feel the same. I like the minimal design oft GNOME and KDE plasma looks kind of too much like windows, which feels traumatic to me :D But I will try plasma again soon with mint. I hope it will be more pleasant than I remember
I was confused at first, what you meant by professional-lifer
Freecad 1.0 actually is a lot more intuitive than it was a few months back in my opinion. I would recommend to give it a try.
Its still a but clunky at some points but for basic stuff its not bad to use
Ondsel was not a profitable product as far as I understood. Which is understandable, but I think they would have needed more time and money to make freecad a real competitor over established cad tools
What i dont quite understand: If I use something like a next cloud client app or file manager integration, how would the authenticator work? I thought the app or program would nee d direct access to the service, without anything in front of it
A friend of mine works in a similar position and we discussed it a bit.
Since ai is a thing and we have some newer, younger and motivated profs, they actually kind of teach and discuss the use of ai in class, which is pretty important.
In my opinion we will not get rid of them, just like the internet.
And we have no metric to determined if ai was used or not.
So the only way to deal with this situation is to accept the existence and use of ai and create different tasks.
For example make them explain the code and make it clear there will be questions. That way they have to learn code. If they use ai or not does not matter.
And create tasks that require human interaction, like collaborative tasks, those can’t be done by ai and you have to structure the project.
I just treid it a bit. And I have to say its quite incredible how good it got! Still a bit rough but I would say its 30% better than a year ago. But maybe ondsel just got me into the mindset of this program.
Its sad to see ondsel go because I doubt we would be here without them.
I hope the freecad team sees all the incredible feedback and the next few versions will be similar improvements for usabilty!
Das hatte ich schon vor dieser Meldung irgendwie. Ich mag Daten sammeln immer nicht so, da hab ich grundsätzlich sorge
So like the home assist and voice, but with a better speaker build in?