Right now my fav is the second sandwich in This video. I’ve made it at least a dozen times in the past month or two. Avocado and blk olives + humus + roasted red pepper/onion/zucchini + balsamic vinegar glaze(I do extra of this)
Right now my fav is the second sandwich in This video. I’ve made it at least a dozen times in the past month or two. Avocado and blk olives + humus + roasted red pepper/onion/zucchini + balsamic vinegar glaze(I do extra of this)
That is a good point. I’ve only had to rollback twice and nether time had any issues. But from my understanding of how it works, you are correct, the data wouldn’t rollback.
By using NixOS I can do this on ext4. Just reboot back to the previous image before the update. Not saying everyday users should be running nixos but there are other Immutable distros that can do the same.
Interesting. I’m really surprised by this. I really like the wiki app. And use the tabs a lot. Never would have expected someone to dislike it so much. Designing mobile apps must be a incredibly hard job.
Well, this is going to mess up my whole setup. Especially my notes.
From what I understand running high bandwidth things like video streaming through cloudflare tunnels will get your cloudflare account banned or charged (which is why they require payment info to setup tunnels).
Best to keep things like emby, jellyfin, and Plex to tailscale or just open the port.
Idk how emby works but with Plex I feel pretty safe having port open. Since any logins have to auth though Plex’s servers.
Yeah true, that’s part of making wire guard more convenient. You have to have a 3rd connection for that I think. In tailscales case it the headscale server.
From what I understand tailscale is basically wire guard but made convenient. And how they do that is by managing you wire guard keys for you. So I would have assumed they could use the keys to access your network. HOWever while trying to look into this just now I found out tailnet lock exist and it says “When tailnet lock is enabled, even if Tailscale infrastructure is malicious or hacked, attackers can’t send or receive traffic on your tailnet.”
Not really directly answering your question here so feel free to ignore me. But if I’m understanding right your setup sounds like a more complicated way of doing what I am.
I put tailscale on all my devices. And in every docker compose for the ports I do. TailscaleIP:hostport:containerport
So nothing can be access on local network at all. Only through tailscale. Which I can access from any of my devices locally or remotely without opening a port. All E2E encrypted I’m pretty sure. The only con is having to trust tailscale.
I do keep Plex port open for friends though.
For real. I’ve been on a search for a good one and they are all sooo bad. definitely trying this one later.
I noticed this too. In theprimeagens recent video on cups problem they kept making jokes about printing on Unix. I think I must be lucky or something cause so far every printer I have setup on Linux has been easier then having to download all the bloatware to make them work on windows. But I have only done about 6 printers so far on Linux.
Not that I know of, but I kind of feel like Nixos could be. The way you can use nix flakes or shells so each project has its on version of nodejs, go, rust, or w/e you use. Instead of having them installed system wide. And you can put the flake.nix and flake.lock in your git repo so any other Dev with nix can use it to DL the exact same packages.
You could use Torbox.app. Its like debrid, but also seeds so you can use it for private trackers.
The return system uses weight. There is a scam ppl have done where you order something then switch it with the same weight in rocks or sand. Then send as a return to get your money back. So I assume a empty box wouldn’t have the needed weight and would be flagged.
I think signal servers may be using aws hosting.
Stargate SG1 and Stargate Atlantis. From the sound of it if you haven’t already watched them you would really like them. Sci fi and definitely has the group/team evolving aspect.
House music. Nearly everyday while I code. Mostly Chris Luno sets.
I see it a lot when ppl complain about signal, but just can’t understand why you would save 10+ years in old msgs. Almost all my signal conversations even GRP chats are set to 1 week auto delete. If something important Is said that I need to save, I copy/paste it into my note app where I can organize it. Its sounds so impractical to dig through 10+ years of data everytime you need something. Plus it would be awful to know there is a log of all the dumb things I said 10 years ago lol.
I was trying out Locus and seem pretty good. But looks like its not maintained anymore. ☹️
Actually you do have them in the us too now. It’s just only in nine states so far.