I’m confident his announcement to “leave social media” was an April Fools’ joke.
I’m confident his announcement to “leave social media” was an April Fools’ joke.
I know what you mean, but I think private chat and public posting are quite distinct. They’d destroy a lot more trust if they sell private messages compared to what they did with Tumblr. Especially if they continue to push local bridges, where they won’t be able to read any message (you still have to trust them obviously).
Well that’s some news. If they’re good news we will see. I’m a Beeper user but never heard of Texts (stupid name) before, which seem to share the same misson as Beeper. Texts was purchased by Automattic last year (according to the Beeper blog).
What does that mean? Automattic punches with some weight in the chat space now. In general I don’t like it if big companies buy small products. However Automattic still seems to bet on the Fediverse, so maybe if the teams from Beeper and Texts can work together on a Matrix-based, open source chat application, we could get something really good.
I’ve mixed feelings about this whole thing, some shy optimizm, some less shy pessimism.
Well, time will tell.
Adding these rules to uBlock Origin allowed me to read the article:
www.bloomberg.com * 3p-frame block
www.bloomberg.com coordinator.cm.bloomberg.com * block
www.bloomberg.com eventrecorder.cm.bloomberg.com * block
www.bloomberg.com gatehouse.cm.bloomberg.com * block
www.bloomberg.com login.bloomberg.com * block
www.bloomberg.com personalization.bloomberg.com * block
www.bloomberg.com sourcepointcmp.bloomberg.com * block
www.bloomberg.com doubleclick.net * block
www.bloomberg.com google.com * block
www.bloomberg.com googlesyndication.com * block
www.bloomberg.com googletagmanager.com * block
www.bloomberg.com ml314.com * block
www.bloomberg.com moatads.com * block
www.bloomberg.com newrelic.com * block
Seems like a large link collection for now. I like that the documentation is worked on however, it’s probably Nix’ biggest weakness atm.
Appreciate it <3
(dead thread I know, but whatever)
It’s very similar, more like an evolution from Neo than a revolution. They switched a few keys and if you’re starting fresh I think I’d recommend Bone, but if you already know Neo I’m not sure switching is worth it. It could be fun though (if you consider learning a new layout fun ^^).
Hey, how’s it going? Are you still working on it?
Sorry for this huge delay, sometimes RL takes over… I don’t know how relevant it still is. I’ll try anyway.
but if there is some way for people, posts, communities, servers, to opt out then ok.
I think this could pose an issue. Many people in the Fediverse are very sensitive about informed consent — which cannot be satisfied by any opt-out mechanism. This is an issue for every bridge/search service, because with opt-in you will have way less users. I strongly recommend to go for opt-in however, you will be starkly criticized otherwise.
I’m wanting to do this open source, which means anybody can take it, remove the check and scan everything. What are your thoughts about that?
Yes, anybody could do that, or build something from scratch, but will meet strong opposition in the Fediserve, as we’ve seen more than once.
If you know how to query servers, communities, posts or comments on that topic I’m all ears, I’m only doing 50% of that today BTW.
Can’t help here, sorry.
On a side note, where is your 0xCAFE come from? Is it like the stack overflow/ memory error checks like 0xDEAD(or 0xDEADBEEF) and so?
Nope, just a nerd who likes computery stuff like hex numbers and, obviously, coffee. No technical magic number I know of (maybe there still is…?).
They’re talking too much business to be a ‘private’ search. They don’t make any effort to explain how their search is private at all (except the 90/10 share model).
Never heard of it before. However:
End-to-end encryption keeps your notes secure. Our export and API keeps your notes accessible.
I’m not relying on any ‘export’ feature for my personal notes. If they aren’t using an open format I can access with other software, it’s a hard pass for me. Personally, I want the data separate from the application, so I can choose my own sync provider and switch editor any time.
TL;DR If it doesn’t support plain markdown files, it’s not an option for me.
Never heard of it before. However:
End-to-end encryption keeps your notes secure. Our export and API keeps your notes accessible.
I’m not relying on any ‘export’ feature for my personal notes. If they aren’t using an open format I can access with other software, it’s a hard pass for me. For me, I want the data separate from the application, so I can choose my own sync provider and switch editor any time.
TL;DR If it doesn’t support plain markdown files, it’s not an option for me.
Maybe you want to try the Tree Style Tabs or Sideberry extension.
l=console.log,r='repeat',b=n=>{for(i=0;i++<n;l(' '[r](n-i)+'* '[r](i)));l(' '[r](n-2)+'| |')}
This looks pretty cool!
oh that’s really cool!
Suuuuper late answer, sorry. It is working perfectly for me (FF 122), I’m using Firefox exclusivery. It can be slow sometimes though and take several (tens of) seconds for the web application to load.
You’re right! Even for programmers.
My recommendation? No. Don’t.
I’m an ex Windows user, current Linux and Mac user. Keyboard shortcuts on Linux are much closer to Windows conventions compared to macOS. I wouldn’t recommend using a Mac keyboard with Linux. I’d only recommend it if you want to use both Linux and macOS with the same keyboard (you will be happier in this case, because using macOS with a Windows keyboard sucks, vice versa).
If you don’t like the Windows key design, get a keyboard with a custom one.
This does not sound sustainable at all.