• @Omega_Haxors
    115 months ago

    NATO isn’t going to fuck you, Ukraine.

    • @jackpot
      15 months ago

      why do somd habe it 24th im ocnfusef

  • D61 [any]
    5 months ago

    Meanwhile, Kyiv Orthodox priest Mykhailo Omelian said: “Everything that was related to Russia, and everything that Russia did the same way we did, provoked disgust among people.”

    Looks like freedom fries dressing is back on the menu boys! freedom-and-democracy

  • gregorum
    05 months ago

    Merry Christmas to the people of Ukraine! 🇺🇦 🌲

    • @dmonzel
      835 months ago

      If only there was an article that was linked that you could read so you had more information than the headline.

    • brainandforce
      415 months ago

      Ukraine and Russia are both historically Orthodox Christian countries. These churches celebrate Christmas based on the Julian calendar, and until 2100 this date will be 14 days behind the Gregorian calendar used by the rest of the world.

      The Ukrainian Orthodox Church already began to use the Gregorian calendar in 2014, distancing itself from the Russian Orthodox Church, and now this date has been codified into Ukrainian law.

      • @barsoap@lemm.ee
        15 months ago

        All this just proves that Christians don’t know the first thing about astronomy because the actual date of the solstice flips between the 21st and 22nd of December. Which should actually be the 31st and 1st according to the original intent of the calendar, as said, Christians have no clue about Astronomy and allowed the thing to drift.

      • Skua
        15 months ago

        It should be noted that many Orthodox churches have actually been using 25th December as the date for 100 years now, following the 1923 Council of Constantinople. The choice to shift to the Gregorian date (or rather the Revised Julian date, but it’s the same day as the Gregorian one) is just a shift to align with other Eastern Orthodox patriarchates rather than a departure from Eastern Orthodoxy altogether

    • @HumanPenguin@feddit.uk
      5 months ago

      To seperate themselves from russia. As they use the Julian calander celebrateing in jan.

      I assume it is also to unify with the west. As that has been aboided in the past due to russias threats.

      But as theu no longer have reason to avoid joining nato. I imagine officially sharing the same calendar seem like a bery easy unifying move.

      I aaaume anyone who feels the need to celebrate on the 7th jan still can

      Although hard to understand why any obe would care. Its not like xmas is the actual date of any past event. But instead the time pagan religions in europe were already celibrateimg yuletide etc.

        • @HumanPenguin@feddit.uk
          135 months ago

          Yeah legally blind typing on a phone

          Sorta given up careing after 50+ years.

          If something makes it difficult to understand please let me know. Otherwise the human mind is very vert hood at interpreting meaning even with typos.

        • @dmonzel
          55 months ago

          They’re British. You know how they have weird spelling over there. /s

        • @MiltownClowns@lemmy.world
          -15 months ago

          Nearly every phone keyboard has auto correct and every browser will automatically underline incorrect words. Even a cursory rescan would have shown that some of these are just keyboard mashes more than words. It is truly a marvel of the modern age to see something this coherently incoherent.

          • @HumanPenguin@feddit.uk
            95 months ago

            Limited use when you are leagally blind. As you cannot see the ubderline.

            Or in this case read the timy suggested words above the keyboard.

            Maybe do not assume everyone has things as eeasy as you do. Rather then sounding so fucking judgental in deciding how little work other may have .

              • @HumanPenguin@feddit.uk
                15 months ago

                Thanks for the suggestion.

                I use something like that on my hime PC. Although I prefer large monitors and text as I am more used to that from my past.

                But I tend to use the phone while travelling on bus or waiting in public places.

                And I just do not feel comfortable telling everyone what I rhink. Using ear pods is easy for text to speach. But not much allows for speach to text privacy.

                I sometimes use bluetooth keyboards as edges help rather then screen kb.

                But large screen phone and all keyboard really only works if I am sat at a table. So I often forget to take it with me. T1d means i carry to much crap already.

                As I say. In genral I have stopped worrying to much. My past means I worked with a lot of folks with dislexia and disgraphia. So know full well anyone judgeing a persons intelegence based on their written language or language skills in genral. It is them that has the issue. As such things are only one skill often not related to intelegence at all.

                So will happily tell folks to go suck themselves if they comment.

  • @nekandro
    -125 months ago

    Isn’t the Roman calendar an Orthodox thing? Aren’t like 60% of Ukrainians Orthodox?

    Every day Ukraine loses more of its cultural identity as it gets “Westernized” by the West and “Russianified” by Russia.

    • @PolandIsAStateOfMind
      5 months ago

      as it gets “Westernized” by the West and “Russianified” by Russia.


      72% of Ukrainians declare themselves orthodox, literally the same church as Russians. Only in 2018 they had the schism but solely on political reasons, not the religious ones, to grab state control over the church.

      • @barsoap@lemm.ee
        5 months ago

        Orthodox churches are kinda special in the sense that they’re very oecumenical, don’t go around saying “XYZ isn’t true Christendom”, venture outside of their territory only carefully (e.g. to serve migrants who happen to be orthodox, but actively avoiding becoming a promiment church in those areas), but OTOH also tend to be staunchly conservative when it comes to their own traditions. They’re not centrally-run like the Catholic Church, while Constantinople holds a special place individual territorial churches are self-ruling.

        So when e.g. Lutheran Churches say “Everyone is a priest, so obviously women too can be reverends”, Rome is writing bulletins warning their own believers of participating in “so-called sacraments” in “erring churches”, whereas the Orthodox go “nah we’re fine as we are, thanks but no thanks”.

        Splitting off from Moscow is indeed political, also, complicated, also, partly theological (because ecclesiastical jurisdiction), there’s two major branches: The re-constituted old Kiev patriachate, dating back to the 90s, (Moscow back in the days dissolved it without even asking Constantinople which readily accepted the reconstitution), and an organisational arm of the Moscow patriarchate which declared independence form Moscow in the wake of the invasion. That’s also the one with the spy monks though not all of that “we’re independent” talk is necessarily a front the church has, aside from political hacks, also actually religious people in it. Shocking, I know.

        Switching to a different calendar is theological but Constantinople certainly won’t care short of saying “nah we’re fine”. It’s, after all, what “autocephalous” means.

  • @lntl
    -245 months ago

    USA! USA! USA!

    • @nekandro
      -95 months ago

      Do you enjoy watching Ukraine collapse it’s economy, irreversibly fuck it’s demographics, and send hundreds of thousands of men to their death? Is that enjoyable to you because the lives lost aren’t American?

      • @lntl
        -85 months ago

        USA was able to liberate Ukraine, this is good. Why you hate on USA? USA good

        • @nekandro
          -35 months ago

          Liberate Ukraine, except for the half of Ukraine that isn’t liberated?

          Liberate Ukraine, with hundreds of thousands dead?