• Muad'Dibber@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      It scarcely needs proof that there is not the slightest possibility of carrying out these tasks in a short period, of accomplishing all this in a few years. Therefore, the dictatorship of the proletariat, the transition from capitalism to communism, must not be regarded as a fleeting period of “super-revolutionary” acts and decrees, but as an entire historical era, replete with civil wars and external conflicts, with persistent organisational work and economic construction, with advances and retreats, victories and defeats. The historical era is needed not only to create the economic and cultural prerequisites for the complete victory of socialism, but also to enable the proletariat, firstly, to educate itself and become steeled as a force capable of governing the country, and, secondly, to re-educate and remould the petty-bourgeois strata along such lines as will assure the organisation of socialist production.

      • Stalin

      it is only possible to achieve real liberation in the real world by employing real means, that slavery cannot be abolished without the steam-engine and the mule and spinning-jenny, serfdom cannot be abolished without improved agriculture, and that, in general, people cannot be liberated as long as they are unable to obtain food and drink, housing and clothing in adequate quality and quantity. “Liberation” is an historical and not a mental act, and it is brought about by historical conditions, the development of industry, commerce, agriculture, the conditions of intercourse.

      • Karl Marx, “The German Ideology”
        • TranslatorBot@lemmygrad.mlB
          2 years ago

          几乎不需要证明,在短时间内完成这些任务,在几年内完成这一切,没有丝毫的可能性。因此,无产阶级专政,从资本主义向共产主义的过渡,不能被视为 "超级革命 "行为和法令的短暂时期,是整个历史时代的,充满了内战和外部冲突,充满了持续的组织工作和经济建设,充满了前进和退却、胜利和失败。这个历史时代不仅需要为社会主义的完全胜利创造经济和文化前提,而且还需要使无产阶级首先教育自己,成为能够治理国家的钢铁力量,其次,按照保证社会主义生产组织的方针重新教育和改造小资产阶级阶层。

          • 斯大林

          只有采用真正的手段才能在现实世界中实现真正的解放,没有蒸汽机、骡子和纺纱机就不能废除奴隶制,没有改良农业就不能废除农奴制,一般来说,只要人们不能获得质量和数量都足够的食物和饮料、住房和衣服,就不能获得解放。"解放 "是一种历史行为,而不是一种精神行为,它是由历史条件、工业、商业、农业的发展、交往的条件带来的。

          • 卡尔-马克思,“德意志意识形态”
