At Mozilla, we’re a global community of technologists, thinkers and builders working together to keep the Internet alive and accessible, so people worldwide can be informed contributors and creators of the Web. We believe this act of human collaboration across an open platform is essential to individual growth and our collective future.
Our mission is to ensure the Internet is a global public resource, open and accessible to all. An Internet that truly puts people first, where individuals can shape their own experience and are empowered, safe and independent.
Same. I really want Firefox to succeed because otherwise Chrome/Chromium would be our only real option, but I also really hate what the management is doing to Mozilla right now. That (probably) wouldn’t happen if it was a worker co-op and the developers, people who actually maintain the browser and are most likely more in touch with FLOSS and the community at large, could directly take feedback and made decisions for themselves. It seems that Mozilla is making more “business decisions” lately than decisions that help users or the FLOSS community.
I think everyone here hate Google, but if you like or not, a lot of people depends of some Google services, because there are no real alternatives to some services.
Blink is currently the best engine out there, all tests show it, but Chromium had a lot of Google APIs (which Mozilla also use), which a user who need and use services can’t ignore. There are de-googled Chromium Browser out there, but they often had problems in some pages, In Vivaldi you can deactivate this APIs if you don’t need them, if you want, as say,you have the amount of Google you need, or no Google if not needed, that can’t do any other.
That the difference of a company (a small co-op) oriented to what the user want and need, that is where Mozilla lacks, which is sad, Mozilla is the only which can curb Google’s complete hegemony on the network.
But it can not make the mistake of forgetting the user in their decisions, what they are doing and for this reason they have already lost around 50 million users and even distros like FerenOS and Manjaro have already replaced it with Vivaldi as default browser and others will remain to do the same.
Mozilla’s high-level managers are running the company to the ground. I would’ve moved ship to another browser if it wasn’t for my hate towards Google.
Same. I really want Firefox to succeed because otherwise Chrome/Chromium would be our only real option, but I also really hate what the management is doing to Mozilla right now. That (probably) wouldn’t happen if it was a worker co-op and the developers, people who actually maintain the browser and are most likely more in touch with FLOSS and the community at large, could directly take feedback and made decisions for themselves. It seems that Mozilla is making more “business decisions” lately than decisions that help users or the FLOSS community.
I think everyone here hate Google, but if you like or not, a lot of people depends of some Google services, because there are no real alternatives to some services. Blink is currently the best engine out there, all tests show it, but Chromium had a lot of Google APIs (which Mozilla also use), which a user who need and use services can’t ignore. There are de-googled Chromium Browser out there, but they often had problems in some pages, In Vivaldi you can deactivate this APIs if you don’t need them, if you want, as say,you have the amount of Google you need, or no Google if not needed, that can’t do any other. That the difference of a company (a small co-op) oriented to what the user want and need, that is where Mozilla lacks, which is sad, Mozilla is the only which can curb Google’s complete hegemony on the network. But it can not make the mistake of forgetting the user in their decisions, what they are doing and for this reason they have already lost around 50 million users and even distros like FerenOS and Manjaro have already replaced it with Vivaldi as default browser and others will remain to do the same.