Im tired of hopping on web browser, I like the chromium based, but I wanna keep a sync of my bookmarks and history without depending on creating accounts on the browsers cloud service. Also I like bromite on android, I would lien something similar for the desk. Any recomendation?
The only alternatives I can think of are on FF. There’s XBrowserSync but Chromium based browsers on mobile don’t support extension; alternatively, FF supports this out of the box if you use a Mozilla account, which is pretty neat (you would also be fighting against net centrality and FF is more secure/private than Chromium based ones if you tweak it right).
Im willing to try a Firefox based browser, just not exactly Firefox
Why? I can’t really recommend anything but FF, honestly, all the other projects are just not really mature and secure.
There have been multiple concerns about Firefox in privacy, and is no longer running as smoothly as before. But I gotta admit, might be the better alternative, other browsers usually lack something. At this point I might go back to CLI browsers lol
What concerns have Firefox had regarding privacy?
There is Mull, IceCaravan, Fennec which are based on fitefox but are a bit more hardened and support extentions. Sync works on all very seamlessly.
Icecaravan? Never heard of that
I don’t use it and don’t know how private it is or the software licence, but I use Firefox…