‘This is not about Ukraine at all, but the world order,’ said Sergei Lavrov, Russia’s foreign minister, a month after the invasion. ‘The unipolar world is irretrievably receding into the past … A multi-polar world is being born.’ The US is no longer the world’s policeman, in other words – a message that resonates in
Exactly, it prevents white people from having to reconcile the vile history of our ancestors and our personal contributions to that legacy.
What the hell even is “more socialist” lmao, wouldn’t “too much socialism” just be communism?
In their minds, yes. This is why they think the Nordic countries are still in the acceptable zone but start becoming like Vietnam or whatever and that’s “too much socialism”.
Blissful ignorance?
What the hell even is “more socialist” lmao, wouldn’t “too much socialism” just be communism?
fair point
Exactly, it prevents white people from having to reconcile the vile history of our ancestors and our personal contributions to that legacy.
In their minds, yes. This is why they think the Nordic countries are still in the acceptable zone but start becoming like Vietnam or whatever and that’s “too much socialism”.