• @pingveno
    41 year ago

    Wow, usually they at least try to wrap it up in some sort of bullshit about “white civil rights” or something.

  • @imgprojts
    11 year ago

    So how do we replace them? Does anyone have the master plan available for my perusal? I forgot the whole thing and need a refresher.

  • @k_o_t
    01 year ago

    least chaotic day in chicago (i’m assuming, i’ve never been)

    • @altair222@beehaw.orgOP
      11 year ago

      Wouldnt want to potentially trivialize this in any way by making light of this if i were you tbh. Alteast not right now, not the best time for memes.

      • @k_o_t
        21 year ago

        ye, i guess you’re right, that is kind of insensitive, but my point was largely to point out how distant the immense dangers of amerikan cities feel to most foreigners… 🤷‍♀️

        • @altair222@beehaw.orgOP
          01 year ago

          I mean, this is a US sublemmy. I would be inclined to agree with you though if i wasnt seeing my country work so hard to mirror american fascism