“COmmUNiStS WilL taKe YoUr TOOtHBRush!”
Meanwhile, Capitalists, for some fucking reason:
Also, I never understood why toothbrushes and razors are always used in these strawman “commies taking yer stuff” fear mongering. Like, of all the things that could be made communal, those are pretty much dead last on the list. It’s literally a biohazard to share them with other people and I can’t think of a single instance in socialist societies of those being widely communal used ever.
You’re forgetting the postface to the fourth German edition of Capital. You can be forgiven because Engels refused to have it printed:
The French publisher asked to divide this work into a series, so that it be easier for the working class to read. I told them what I will now tell you: knowing the eagerness of the German working class, they will not be satisfied if they have to wait for the next instalment; they will want to rush to the final chapter to learn how we plan to create a giant communal toothbrush, following the production of other comically giant household items.
plz…do you really think that strawmen against communism need to be logical for being used for reactionaries?
Also collectivization has historically only been done with things that are: needed by everyone, in short supply, and is being hoarded by the wealthy class. Things like land, housing, food, etc. No one is buying a toothbrush unless they plan on actually using it.
Cars are one of the biggest scams and money pits in western society. So much of our personal and civil resources are used to maintain cars and the infrastructure necessary for them. While I do love the act of driving cars and find them cool as hell, I really wish I didn’t have to rely on one to work and survive.
You’re onto something here, playing with the mark fisher quote, cars are so important for our current paradigm of society that it is easier to imagine the end of capitalism than the end of cars.
The solution proposed by our genius billionaires is to replace fossil fuel cars with electric cars lol.
“Train tickets cost three dollars?! That’s so expensive! Transit is so overpriced why would anyone use it?”
– Someone chained to a 10+ year payment plan on a $50,000 car.
For real owning a car costs me at least 100-150 euro’s extra each month. And I barely drive it. My gf needs it because she works in some remote part of the country without proper public transport connection but otherwise I might as well save all the money and buy a train subscription or something.
Cars are expensive.
Imagine if they did this with plane tickets wtf
Oh wait they do
I have no idea how any legal system can see overbooking and not immediately classify it as fraud. A ticket is a binding legal contract, yes? Saying that a service will be provided at a specific time? So if you intentionally sell tickets and you know for a fact you can’t honour all of them simultaneously, how are you not distributing fraudulent contracts, which is illegal?
Easy. Is the system paying people to not see it as fraud?
“Hurry call the cops to beat this asian doctor for not giving up his seat!”
Much property
So sacred
I have a friend who bought a used SUV and 3 weeks in the engine was spewing oil into the spark plugs because the piston walls were cracked. Luckily he was inside the warranty on the engine and the dealership was on the hook. Instead of trading him for a different vehicle they keep changing out engines while paying for his rental car. They are now installing the FOURTH engine into the vehicle as the others all died immediately. Lmao. Instead of just cutting their loss and trading for a new vehicle they have now burnt more money on engines and time working on this thing. Lmao. Capitalism is dumb as shit.
Scamming bastards.
Dealerships can do a lot of scummy things and get away with it because their lobby is so powerful. One thing that happens is that Customer A can be approved for some APR on their car loan at say 4%. However, the finance company can say “Hey send them back this loan at 4.5% APR instead and we will send you (the dealer) some extra money” since they are making more money on the loan by hiding their real approval rate. The dealer is ultimately who decides what loan to take since they are incentivized to maximize their own profit and not do right by the customer. This is not illegal. The dealership holds most of the power but the finance companies get some benefits too.