Did you try Tribler, RetroShare or DC++? We’re currently using magic wormhole to send custom Linux ISOs and lecture resources from Uni around but would really like to have a nice interface where we can search files instead of requesting them manually.

For our “studyflix” we use Jellyfin but it’d be nice if we didn’t have separate instances to download from, but kind of a more automated approach.

Thinking about the huge media libraries some of you pirates have, maybe you can help us out?

Requirement would be that it’s not publicly available since some of the material needs to be kept private due to personal information in lecture recordings.

  • DessalinesMA
    61 year ago

    You could make private torrents for the lectures, and have some internally accessible document that lists the magnet links.

    • Helix 🧬OP
      31 year ago

      Sounds good, can you recommend an automated way to do this?

      • DessalinesMA
        31 year ago

        No bc I don’t know the details of how your lectures get uploaded and titled.

    • Helix 🧬OP
      11 year ago

      Good idea, but then everyone needs to set up a Nextcloud or we have to upload it to a central instance. The central instance would need about 30-40TB of storage, which none of us wants to pay. I should’ve included the amount of data in the opening post…