• SovietIntl@lemmygrad.ml
    4 years ago

    What pains me so much is that we don’t learn from history, people just don’t want to examine history in a critical lens in a historical dialectical lens in a material lens and so we get repeats of history which is this pervasive revisionism in the left where any movement loses its revolutionary or class character because it’s coopted by opportunists who seek to curb any revolutionary potential. This ain’t no CIA op folks, to look at it purely like that would be underestimating the true cowardice of some so called socialists. These people would run to the government if the whole of the working people truly organized themselves in a disciplined way, so disciplined that any opportunists would be curbed to the side. It’s funny how these people look at “tankies” and say we steal movements when it’s usually the masses who are the ones who create creative things like the Paris Commune or Soviets. Our job is simply to guide and raise class consciousness but it’s not us who make workers associations or peasants associations, it’s the opportunist who will weaken those mass movements, especially if those masses get too “authoritarian” for their liking. Revolution was never meant to be a picnic or dinner party.

    • Whatstherumpass@lemmygrad.ml
      4 years ago

      That’s right, while the masses are fighting over whether “Joe’s Radical Leftist agenda” (L-O-FUCKING-L) will destroy Murica, accerlationism may be the truly unstoppable force we need, like a hurricane blowing all those who don’t truly have the stomach for revolution aside.

      I would ask, how far does one have to go from defending their fellow in the streets of Portland to participation in revolution?

      I would argue it’s not far at all.