Title says it all. I don’t exactly know what this account is, but it’s basically a Liberal masking as a Marxist.

  • Kaffe@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Lol I was in a spat with this user recently, they think racism was solved in America with the civil rights act.

      • 201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Racism was abolished that one time a boomer didn’t call a black person the N word when they really wanted to.

      • sinovictorchan@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        How about the military enforced kidnapping of Indigenous children, enslavement of Indigenous children in residential fake schools in remote locations from 1880s to 1996, and the continuing imprisonment of first nation people in the first example of concentration camps in history until the imprisoned Native American landowners surrender their land and reparation money from the hundred years of atrocities in fake schools? I am referring to the policies of both the USA and Canadian governments and Christian church members who are blatently violating their own religious doctrines. Based on the projection to the chinese cultural revolution, I could also guess that the fake schools use a lot of taxpayer money to brainwash children to be cannibals who murder and eat their own siblings and parents.

  • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    This is the family structure argument equivalent of the “Communists want to take your toothbrush” economic argument.

  • 201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Wait we want to abolish family? I though I just hated mine cause they are overly religious chuds.

    • ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      We don’t wish to abolish family in all seriousness. We wish to dismantle traditional nuclear family roles to allow of emancipation, as the nuclear family is a made up construct as in reality “family” is much much larger then a four person household, and vital in developing deep ties between generations, communities, and social bonding. The “It takes a village to raise a child mentality”. The modern nuclear family was designed to “divide and conquer” the working class, and build animosity between generations and culture, while simultaneously oppressing women into only being “homekeepers” and “breeders” first and foremost.

      Basically in summary, patriarchy is bad, familial isolation is bad, community isolation is bad. Multigenerational households/close community are good, everyone pitching in to do their part is good, and mutual love and respect is good.

      • 201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        I know. lol. I was making a jest…and also my family is legitimately overly religious chuds. Hahaha… ha…ha… God I hate family gatherings.

      • 201dberg@lemmygrad.ml
        2 years ago

        Typical white western Christianity. Idk what denomination. Just that they insist on holding hands in a big circle and praying before each meal.

  • SovereignState@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Don’t use an iPhone, don’t have a family, don’t eat quinoa or avacados, don’t drive a car, don’t work, start your own business, live on the streets or in the woods, literally just recycle, use metal straws, don’t eat chocolate –

    Strange how calls for tackling systematic issues are met with individualistic lifestyle choices one should make instead or consoomer activism, very little else. We’re not talking about destroying your personal family unit, we’re talking about a protracted cultural revolution that dismantles patriarchal power structures. Just like we’re not talking about killing your vaguely racist uncle Johnny to solve inequality, we’re talking about decolonization and dismantling racist power structures!

    Ofc this poster and his ilk either know that or are braindead. Just bad faith posturing, anti-communist virtue signaling.

    • Strange how calls for tackling systematic issues are met with individualistic lifestyle choices one should make instead or consoomer activism, very little else.

      This is exactly why the iPhone meme is just dumb ad hom. We never tell rightoids to stop using AKs since AKs are socialist.

      We’re not talking about destroying your personal family unit, we’re talking about a protracted cultural revolution that dismantles patriarchal power structures.

      Yep. Nuclear families should solely be formed by choice, not mandated by society’s material conditions. Hell, I’d that lib doesn’t know families evolve, we now see polyamorous families much like in the Middle East except more inclusive. We now see LGBTQ+ parents.

      Hell, my GF has an online family consisting of her friends and me. Since family is a social construct, we can shape it whatever tf we like.

      Just like we’re not talking about killing your vaguely racist uncle Johnny to solve inequality, we’re talking about decolonization and dismantling racist power structures!

      Bingo. I remember a guy offering money to KKK to give up their racist beliefs. Ultrachad move

  • frippa
    2 years ago

    Capitalism is atomizing family at breakneck speed, just a few decades ago here was normal to live with your sons, parents and grandparents in the same house, then capitalism took even that joy away because one single household consumes less than 10 separate ones, ergo capitalism is destroying family and not socialism. edit: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaCZUpFPl7I](obligatory yugopnik video)

  • SpaceDogs@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    I thought the concept of “abolition of the family” meant the decommodification of the nuclear family considering it is used to sustain capitalism. Get married and have kids for the sake of monetary benefits and climbing the social ladder. I may be misremembering, though, so please correct me if I’m wrong.

    • PolandIsAStateOfMind@lemmygrad.ml
      2 years ago

      Basically yes, Marx and Engels idea was that family is a social construct being superstructure created by the mode of production, which is clearly observable in history (Engels “Origin of the family…”). It’s not very much discussed later because it’s something you cannot just decree, it follows the changes in the base.

  • big_spoon@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    “cut your mom and dad from your life!”…“what, are you STILL LIVING with your parents?”

    “stop talking to your brother and sister!”…“posted from iphone used to discuss with strangers”

    “disown your children!”…“because the only thing that keeps families is the inheritance!”

    “practice what you preach, leftists!”…“because everyone knows that rightoids sell all their possesions to give them to the poor”

  • Lemmy_Mouse@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    Seems edgy to make some sort of point removed from the concept of for or against family, they just seem to dislike leftists or even have a more broad issue with society overall and are misplacing their anger. Trolls target any topic that’s popular to make themselves stand out, their goal being to matter in society’s eyes. That being said, let me go off on a family tangent because I feel like it;

    The family is a vital social relation. Families are as old as humanity itself. The family is still around now a days and will continue to be likely until the end of our species. The family is such a staple in our species’ history that we actually framed entire power structures around them at one point. From slavery through feudalism, power was peacefully passed down through the family. Capitalism ended this, the division of ownership over the means of production via the market replaced familial relations for passing power. This is what tradition-orientated reactionaries set their minds towards, and in so they blame the symbols of progress for destroying these relations as well as a litany of transgressions against their beliefs. They blame the most opposite of their ideology as it just follows basic logic, however as I have explained, history begs to differ.

    Now to address the literal argument itself; Western leftists reject the native family model not due to ideology, nor due to economic interests, but due to trauma suffered within this model which was caused by a spiral chain of conditions originating with the economic material conditions within late 20th century and early 21st century America. Economic despair brings aggravated internal contradictions including social conditions. The specific character of the American society is one of chauvinism and especially arrogant sexism and narcissistic tendencies. This is why the reaction has been what it has been; the rise of feminism in the face of this arrogant sexism, sexual and gender liberation in the face of prudent and oppressive christianity, anti-authority anarchism in the face of a deeply corrupted and selfishly exploitative authority throughout society, and us communists who reject anarchy, chaos, and disorder in the face of the most advanced model of capitalism - the system of chaos and disorder.

    This does not mean “leftists reject the family” as in familial relations, no. Many of us have families of our own we have started, it’s simply the native ones we were born into of which many of us reject. This is not the same as rejecting a form of social relation, if it were then we would not continue the trend of creating new families whether formal through sexual relations, or informal through animal pack relations (the so-called “chosen family” of close friends some have chosen to go with). While this is also muddied by the prevalence of the “anti-natalists”, many of them are only for breaking the continuity of the familial social relation due to the state of the current world, refusing to put a child through such trauma, which is a motivation of mercy not of rage as the post’s subject infers, and also itself infers a temporal stance on the matter for what they deem as good sense.

  • VictimOfReligion@lemmygrad.ml
    2 years ago

    This dude confused the Bible with Marxist Theory, I guess.

    It’s funny how the reinforcement of the Christian family values are actually made to divide and not unite, in power structures based in militaryesque authority, and it’s designed to not have external support, so it’s easier to create outcasts once a family member is expelled.

    And on the other side of their ideology, their peak figure of authority and “love” and “eternal truth” literally says to precisely abandon their own family and hate them if they don’t join its cult.

    Meanwhile, this people with contradictory beliefs, thinking about tautologies and at the same time individualism, can’t grasp how we actually want to give individuals and society as a whole, complete emancipation from structures of power which only use tradition as an argument to maintain at all costs without even grasping a single bit of notion of contextual situations regarding both familial cores and individuals themselves, about how impactful it is to be forced to be tied in a family of people that basically consumes your mental health until you become a basically walking sack of issues, and how harmful it is to the society, and even how expensive.

    How can’t they grasp that WE are ones working for freedom, even for the individuals? How can this be this hard?