Some more on Zizek:
- “Immigration has to be restricted to prevent the rise of Fascism.”
- Helped work to overthrow Yugoslavia.
- He’s anti-USSR, anti bolivarian revolution, supported the coups in Ukraine and Libya
- Thinks socialism died a long time ago in Cuba, that everyone lives there because of a misguided devotion to Castro, and thinks the bolivarian revolution will soon fail.
- Defines Marxism: “Marx wanted a return to traditional values.”
- Comes out in favor of NATO against Russia, in the 2022 Ukraine conflict.
- Argues for a stronger NATO to fight against Russia and for Ukraine.
- More here
“we must stop letting Russia define the terms of the Ukraine crisis”
Isn’t the west defining the terms when it backed a coup that lead to the rise of fascism, the glorification of Bandera, and the murder of civilians in eastern ukraine.
It’s also acting as if Russia (or China or Cuba, etc.) has a voice in western media whatsoever. I don’t think the average westerner can describe their perspective on anything.
He dare compare Dr. Che Guevara to the traitor Trotsky? HAS HE NO SHAME
I liked the article overall, especially the details about his role in Slovenia breaking away from Yugoslavia. I knew a little about it, but not in any detail.
Whole piece needed an editor imo
Damn, I knew he was a lib, but I never knew it went so deep. Especially didn’t know about his opposition in Yugoslavia
Finally finished this whole article. Was really good, props to Gabriel Rockill. Never knew the limit of Zizek’s knowledge of Lenin is: “I am a Leninist. […] This is why I supported Obama."
What an incredibly useful capitalist defender and distorter of socialism and communism. No wonder he’s so popular.
I should’ve known Žižek was a lib, when people who call themselves leftist are popular with the media it’s always suspicious
I might just be dense but this passage means nothing to me :
The latter drew on Lacan’s mirror stage and conceptualization of the imaginary to create a misleading portrayal of ideology in his famous interpellation scene.[85] As Althusser asserted in a passage that contradicts his earlier analysis, an individual becomes an ideological subject when it recognizes itself as the one being hailed (interpellé) by a police officer in the street, meaning that the individual identifies with the image put forth by the other, assuming one’s place in the extant symbolic order.
I laid an ideological subject in the toilet this morning.
that just shows the importance of getting enough fiber in your diet
How much can you decipher from this? (I don’t want to explain the few bits that I can work out (not the whole thing!) and come off as patronising if you’re making a joke about psychoanalysis and critical theory bring nonsense.)
I think they’re nonsense, and thought they were before I read this article. But my dislike of them had more of a “I just feel like I hate this thing” without really delving into it.
The passage doesn’t make sense to me.
i mean, he’s funny and witty but…[sniff]…i never trusted too much in the idea that he was something more than a typical meme anti-capitalist