• @Tatar_Nobility
    1 year ago

    I watched the video when it dropped the last month or so to get a grasp of what arguments support this view.

    To my disappointment (but not surprise) the arguements were shallow in a sense that they didn’t tackle the African issue at its root. The argument in this video is that the corruption and mismanagement of African governments are what got these nations into an extreme state of poverty. In an objective sense, that is correct but reducing the issue to only this is a grave error.

    Firstly, frican Nations achieved independence under the leadership of a nationalistic elite which was brought up by European learning and values. This elite is not to be seen as a rupture from the colonial legacy; on the contrary, they are a continuous extension of the colonizer. The political leadership will contradict the actual state of affairs as long as it conforms itself to European-based values and models. Africa needs African solutions and not European ones.

    Secondly, it would be erroneous (and near impossible) to ignore the colonial impact that African politics experience when dealing with foreign and international institutions

    Anyways, the speaker here obviously lacks the scholarly expertise to make a good judgement and JP is certainly taking advantage of that to further his agenda. Additionally, defending colonialism is always a weird and poor move.

  • @ComradeSalad@lemmygrad.ml
    1 year ago

    All of the arguments are simply, “African nations as mismanaged, corruption ridden, and poorly organized”. But in that case… WHO MISMANAGED THEM? And how did they do it??? Maybe through a system of ownership called… colonialism?

    I swear, rightest and Nazis attempt to make themselves appear pseudointellectual and correct by simply changing the name, or beating around the bush of what they are talking about.

    “If I talk long enough and use enough big words, maybe they won’t focus on the shallow bullshit I’m saying”.