So. Im not gonna link it and Im gonna try to keep this short. But there is a slap fight between these two liberal creators over the rhetoric and language over “groomers” and Belenciaga.

In the video that Xander made; he made the salient point as to why SOH’s rhetoric against peadophilia is a masked discussion about anti LGBTQ actions.

Now… I know it’s rotting my brain listening to these clowns but I could not ignore the point that Xanderhal and the online progressive antiauthoritarians make against Nazi coded language promoting hate against queer people and how the way THEY talk about non western countries is the same primrose path that the right uses against queer communities.

To say a country is authoritarian and to keep hammering on that and insisting you have the right to say it is ignoring the fact that what happens usually, after that is that rhetoric is used to do something colonial or imperialist with… USian bombs and weapons.

When you label something as bad, be it countries being authoritarian or be it queer folks are groomers; then what the subtext in saying these things is SOMETHING must be done about it.

I jist find it interesting that the progressives can identify dog whistlers of right wing violence as fomenting an environment of bigotry but then totally miss that accusing countries as authoritarian gives the “democracy promoters” the go ahead to intervene… 100% of the time to the benefit of western capital.

  • Fiona (she/her)🏳️‍⚧️
    1 year ago

    Aren’t both of these losers “reformed Nazis” that have adopted this social democrat image as a grift?

    Like Xanderhal’s whole shtick for a while was “I used to be a Nazi, but I’m good now!” and ShoeOnHead hangs around some very sus people

    • Ratette (she/her)
      51 year ago

      This is my understanding. ShoeOnHead made her image as essentially “Boxxy from 4chan but more neo nazi” and very pick me and now that the fascist donation pool has waned she’s pivoted to soc dem to maintain her income and fan base.

    111 year ago

    I’m torn between telling you to stop wasting your time watching whoeverthefuck these people are, and telling you your doing the right thing by correcting these people.

    • @GloriousDoubleK@lemmygrad.mlOP
      1 year ago

      Honestly; when im bored, I sometimes listen to liberals beefing. It’s not a good use of time. It was interesting to see libs make our own arguments for local shit.

        • @GloriousDoubleK@lemmygrad.mlOP
          61 year ago

          I wouldnt have even mentioned it if their tiff over the inciting language of nazis and rightists to hurt the LGBTQ community didnt just squarely work for progressive antiaithoritatian talking points as well.

  • KiG V2
    71 year ago

    These people have been having the same 8 discussions for a decade

    I remember as a young person slowly radicalizing I was waiting for the discourse to evolve and keep pushing its boundaries. Nope. These people never touch history, war, geopolitics or theory. Just the same handful of cultural war BS issues astroturfed by fascists and the billionaires that pay them.