Hi, I’ve recently seen this video by a channel called What I’ve Learned, regarding the environmental impact of animal agriculture, in both of which Dr. Frank Mitloehner, a Professor and Air Quality Extension Specialist at the University of California, expresses his opinion on this topic.

In short, he suggests that cow industry is not so disruptive as it is portrayed.

I’m trying to understand if his points are valid. What are your thoughts? Please let me know, thanks

  • k_o_t
    3 years ago

    lmao y’all sound like white slave owners in the middle of 19th century thinking about abolishing slavery because it’s no longer the most economically viable and efficient labour method

    shame on you all, discussing like this is some theoretical sophisticated issue with 39 different sides to discuss

    it’s fucking NOT

    stop eating animals and listening to garbage human beings who try to sell you false “feel good about your awful habits” story, who themselves obviously benefit from it