I hear this argument a lot when it comes to discussion about the homelessness crisis. Every time housing is brought up people flood in claiming “most homeless people don’t even want a home or shelter. They prefer the streets!”
The only time I’ve heard someone say they would rather not stay at a shelter was because the homeless shelters were arguably worse than sleeping in an alley. Shelters aren’t permanent and tend to be severely underfunded which means they are not in good shape. We haven’t given people a reason to choose a roof over pavement because every “safety net” is taken away instantly.
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say they saw a homeless guy begging for money and then he got in a new BMW to drive off. Like 50% of Americans believe that.
I hear this argument a lot when it comes to discussion about the homelessness crisis. Every time housing is brought up people flood in claiming “most homeless people don’t even want a home or shelter. They prefer the streets!”
The only time I’ve heard someone say they would rather not stay at a shelter was because the homeless shelters were arguably worse than sleeping in an alley. Shelters aren’t permanent and tend to be severely underfunded which means they are not in good shape. We haven’t given people a reason to choose a roof over pavement because every “safety net” is taken away instantly.
Position of every neoliberal ever to every social service ever was “defund, point out it don’t work, destroy”
I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say they saw a homeless guy begging for money and then he got in a new BMW to drive off. Like 50% of Americans believe that.
I remember reading some article in boredpanda about some lady would beg with her children and then get picked up by her boyfriend in a nice car.
Funny how there are so many of those…