Apparently this is a map showing cannibalism from ancient China through to today. Obviously that context is intentionally left out of the post unless you read Chinese which on a primarily Anglo/English speaking site is just malicious at best and down right racist at worst.

Interestingly there is no mention of the fact that at a time when China didn’t do this, the Belgians were cutting the limbs of workers for failing to hit their rubber quotas.

I hate reddit.

    2 years ago

    Well Chinese were also killing eachother in great numbers back then, but somehow they never managed to knock themselves into the dark ages despite internal strife was intense and migrations were no less than in Europe (or maybe even greater).

    Actually, they did had something of a semi official confederacy during Spring and Autumn which was to ensure their internal feuds won’t escalate into all out annihilation war, and that sentiment in this or that form lasted until Qin managed to unite the country, then it was made obsolete by the idea of unified empire.

    Northern Europe back then was wilderness sparsely populated by tribals.