Hahaha tbf while bussy has absolutely transcended Internet meme slang to be something I hear regularly irl I’ve never actually heard þussy used outside of an online ironic context.
The funniest but also worst one I’ve seen is clussy.
Hahahahahaha in the UK they had a competition to name a bus and bussy won and they went with it and then released a tweet going “oh so someone told us what this means and we will now be changing the name again lol m’bad” and frankly I’m more sad about the death of bussy the bus than I am queen liz.
Non binary pussy nerd.
why does everything have to be a pussy lol
🤷 because its amusing internet slang?
I guess you’re right, first time I hear of þussy tho
Hahaha tbf while bussy has absolutely transcended Internet meme slang to be something I hear regularly irl I’ve never actually heard þussy used outside of an online ironic context.
The funniest but also worst one I’ve seen is clussy.
fun fact: in germany we have bussy brand popcorn and it is very funny to me
Hahahahahaha in the UK they had a competition to name a bus and bussy won and they went with it and then released a tweet going “oh so someone told us what this means and we will now be changing the name again lol m’bad” and frankly I’m more sad about the death of bussy the bus than I am queen liz.
Bussy McBusface
The legendary name 🥰
Honk honk