If you’re running Yunohost, and are curious about getting audio and video calls running over XMPP (e.g Conversations), check out this link https://github.com/YunoHost/issues/issues/1607
Worked for me
wow! I finally installed Yunohost and the installation went so smoothly for me! Sadly I need to change ISP since my current one blocks the http and https ports.
I got my family to switch over to XMPP but we still use Messenger for video calls, so I would love to do this, but how would I even start? would I need to run this from a command line? I have no experience but willing to try!
(Sidenote, Conversations doesn’t let me send images either, regardless of size but I couldnt find anything about that, is this related?)
Another option is to use a VPS, like Linode, Digital Ocean etc… Then install Yunohost with these instructions… https://yunohost.org/en/install/hardware:vps_debian
As for video calling, follow the instructions in the link - Some thing not immediately obvious is apt install coturn to get the video server installed…
Other option might be to install Snikket, which has everything bundled… https://snikket.org/service/quickstart/
On your side note: Van you send images via another app? Because it could be your XMPP server too doesn’t have the correct XEP addons. I’m not an expert though.
i only have the XMPP on the server right now, but it does give me a direction to look into thank you!