Is it a social experiment?

Am I wrong? There are bits of it that just feel – generated!

There’s even a fully automated toaster that capitalism won’t let us have.

This one I want to say has to be trained on their writing, though?

But we don’t have a toaster in our house. We have a toaster oven. And a toaster oven is a very simple appliance to make. All you need is a toaster and a bit of time. It’s very easy to make. It takes about 10 minutes and you can use it to toast your eggs, toast your toast, toast your toast and toast your toast. It’s that simple. But it’s not that simple. It’s not that easy to make. And it’s not that easy to do. We have no toaster oven in our house. We have a toaster oven that we buy at the store.

The topic drift… it has to be. It has to be. Right?

  • nutomicA
    4 years ago

    The sentences make sense, but it doesn’t have any overall coherency. Sounds very much like AI. Not to mention that no human would call this history post a recipe.

    • DessalinesA
      4 years ago

      Yeah this could easily be GPT generated, probably from the more bloggy recipe sites like smitten kitchen.