• @nutomicOPMA
    153 years ago

    This week we finally enabled federation in production, after working on it for almost a full year! That required some organisational work, so we had less time for coding than usual. We are also in the process of reorganizing the Lemmy Council, from only lemmy.ml admins to a group for admins of different instances (and a separate group for lemmy.ml admins).

    As for programming, here is what I did:

    • tried to speed up Lemmy compilation time (again, and again without real success)
    • some work towards making our ActivityPub implementation compatible with the standard
    • improved account deletion (so the profile is hidden, and fields like email are removed)
    • DessalinesA
      93 years ago

      :partying face:

      I have family visiting this week, so I didn’t get too much done, except for helping with the federation deploy. A few things:

      • Added an RSS feed for Local (We already had ones for All and Subscribed), since local is the default view for new accounts now anyway.
      • Changed all references for dev.lemmy.ml to lemmy.ml in all our repos.
      • Added a CSP policy for the front end.
      • Finished up a PR for a cargo-chef docker build.
  • @nromdotcom
    123 years ago

    I love how quickly federation was rolled out (and adopted by other instances!).

  • ghost_laptop
    83 years ago

    I will probably fill in a GitHub issue but I am curious about certain features that could be added so I think this is a nice place for discussion.

    Is there a plan to add a wiki to communities? Would you consider making the settings in profiles something that opens instead of having it open all the time? What about following users?

    • @nutomicOPMA
      93 years ago

      A federated wiki would require an entirely separate project the size of Lemmy to implement properly. It could work with some very basic wiki functionality, but I would rather improve the existing features, than add half-assed new ones.

      Settings on a separate page is something we probably have to do sooner or later as we add more things. You can open an issue in the lemmy-ui repo if there isnt already.

      We have an open issue for user following, but that is very far in the future.

    • @nutomicOPMA
      43 years ago

      That search only works with the ActivityPub ID of the post. And the ID is always the URL on the instance where it was originally posted. So in that case, the ID is https://lemmy.ml/post/42833 because it was originally posted on lemmy.ml (note that the numbers at the end are completely unrelated).