Seems like most of y’all just think that since the “capitalist” countries are run by corrupt power hungry pricks that means the “communist” countries must be the good guys.
They’re all run by power hungry billionaires and you’re all being played.
(All the “” are cuz no country is run by anyone who follows the religions i mean economic theories, they’re all run by power hungry people who use the people and pit them against eachother to distract from the fact were dying and working for cults)
inb4 the ban hammer (and sickle?) drops on me
Have you considered communists dont view the world based on empty platitudes given by leaders and instead assess how well systems work based on actual tangible results?
In this case, china lifted 800 million people out of poverty and went from a literal dirt poort nation to the only nation capable of rivaling the united states in 50 years while simultaneously being treated as a rival enemy nation by the most powerful nations in the world during this time.
Quite typical that reactionaries like you come in with such infantile takes and think you pulled a gotcha when your entire premise for it was wrong in the first place.
yeah and thats badass. China also prioritizes its peoples health and isn’t letting its population become disabled by an infectious disease that can be slowed\stopped if the world cared more about people than profits. I didn’t say china is evil tho im saying yall are being manipulated and simping for billionaires who dont care about its people.
and if i point out the fact that it got pulled out of poverty partly by people forced to sleep in factories with suicide nets and concentration camps of minorities (or whatever equivalent shady shit was happening back then) yall cant say “yeah its terrible they’re doing that and they shouldn’t do that” but instead yall will bring up random shit the US does and go “what about blah blah blah that the US does” like if im in here saying the US is good and call me anticommunist or reactionary or whatever other slur is cool to say in your circles.
Workers rights
Your western countries are robbing the global south and enforcing terrible working conditions and wages.
China’s long-term strategies have helped it avoid the “low-wage-trap” enforced by global north monopsonies that nearly every other global south nation is suffering under.
“your western countries” how many times do i gotta say i dont support the US etc? The US is using the global south and the poor people in china and the congos for their fancy phones etc while the terrible working conditions are enforced by people you seemingly think are holy?
Read all the posts on workers rights I just linked you, for why China has been the main driver for rising wages and poverty reduction out of every other country.
Then why are the only sources you linked, western supremacist ones? You don’ support the US, you just believe everything they tell you about their trade war enemy?
I am. Do you read them and not think its shady they won’t talk about the workers conditions that allowed the country to do this? Slave labor made the US so powerful and rich too.
cuz the US/UK and Russia has gutted every other country from having any kind of press from having the time\money\want to investigate things happening in other countries?
and i dont believe everything they say about China obviously theyre biased and always lead with China Bad but theirs some truth in parts of it.
Pure projection, no other country can become rich by hard work right? They all have to follow the western model of slavery and colonialism? Wrong.
How China has avoided the low-wage trap is a topic way over your head right now, but after a few years of working through your anti-chinese racism, you might be open to learning abouteit.
are you denying slave labor is being used in xinjiang and factories to make smartphones etc for the west?
just keep repeating that its racism i guess if that makes you feel superior
Billionaires arent in charge of chinas policy making dipshit, its the exact opposite. Billionaires straight up are prosecuted and more have been executed or imprisoned than any other capitalist nation combined. Thats from western sources who try to use those stats to shit on china.
If the top of the cpc wanted to actually hoard wealth, they would do exactly what russia did at the fall of USSR, privatize everything that was originally for the public and become immediate oligarchs. The cpc does the opposite.
The days of the suicide net factory shit, which btw was american companies exploiting poverty, are long gone. The cpc sides with the laborers over the companies almost everytime in protests. Factory workers in china nowadays can pay off all living expenses and still have half their paycheck left over that month for savings. The same unskilled laborers in the united states need two jobs and still wont be able to save up much if any at all.
A dirt poor nation cant instantly solve all injustices of its people. This is especially true if said nation is under direct attack financially or militarily by much more powerful nations.
Instead of sprouting whatever state media tells you about their geographical rival maybe use your braincells and develop some critical thinking.
You are the living embodiment of a reactionary, making opinions based on perceived character traits of people rather than looking at objective material reality.
Fact is, china is getting stronger and richer at an overwhelming pace to the point of being fearmongered by the united states and its wesrern allies. Fact, china invests their money into more infrustructure for their own people rather than spend it on military expenses and wars. Fact, china doesnt bail out bankers and spend tax payer money to fill the pockets of corporate doners and give them exclusive contracts to leech more money out of their pockets. Fact, china has magnitudes less inflation than western nations.
You are literally looking at all the progress china makes and then going, but china leaders still actually evil and selfish even though so many good things are done. Thats not scientific, that doesnt look at reality through material analysis.
What makes communists communist is their analysis of the world through dialetical materialism, not through some imaginary ideals of what people are thinking or what their human natures are. Nobody here are cultists that worship nations for any reason. All support for these nations are critical, as in if their actions bring positive results to the lives of the people and progress it continuously, then they should be supported.
Or just go back to believing everyones evil and dismiss material reality while you live in your decaying stagnant nations and watch as politicians bail out rich assholes yet again and side with them over the ordinary people time after time and offer only platitudes even though they have the power to change it.
lmao xi is a billionaire and so are a ton of the members of the party
the days of the suicide nets are long gone? i guess the concentration camps in xinjiang are all fake news?
lmao how many times do you have to attack me to get your point across relax buddy its just a post on a forum