Seems like most of y’all just think that since the “capitalist” countries are run by corrupt power hungry pricks that means the “communist” countries must be the good guys.

They’re all run by power hungry billionaires and you’re all being played.

(All the “” are cuz no country is run by anyone who follows the religions i mean economic theories, they’re all run by power hungry people who use the people and pit them against eachother to distract from the fact were dying and working for cults)

inb4 the ban hammer (and sickle?) drops on me

  • Muad'
    2 years ago

    they won’t talk about the workers conditions that allowed the country to do this?

    Pure projection, no other country can become rich by hard work right? They all have to follow the western model of slavery and colonialism? Wrong.

    How China has avoided the low-wage trap is a topic way over your head right now, but after a few years of working through your anti-chinese racism, you might be open to learning abouteit.

    • NXLOP
      2 years ago

      are you denying slave labor is being used in xinjiang and factories to make smartphones etc for the west?

      just keep repeating that its racism i guess if that makes you feel superior