• Mr. Upsy
    72 years ago

    I really don’t think we should bring back mammoths; they went extinct naturally and wouldn’t be adept for modern habitats. We should focus on more recent species whose extinctions are caused by humans.

      • Mr. Upsy
        12 years ago

        Humans didn’t hunt them to extinction, though; the changing climate during the ice age damaged their populations massively. While humans hunting them didn’t help matters, they likely would have gone extinct even without them.

  • @TheConquestOfBed
    52 years ago

    I don’t think they’d thrive in this interglacial period, my dudes.

    • Mr. Upsy
      32 years ago

      The logic is that they’d (apparently) help fight climate change because they’d shift the soil and maintain the permafrost… but the problem with that is that the main cause of climate change is carbon emissions from big corporations. It’s extremely flawed logic and agreed by many that it would likely have little to no impact.