Hey I think that IPFS is very nice and all, but it seems that everyone who is developing IPFS or client software is involved in some kind of Crypto startup that ultimately wants to earn money through IPFS.

Have you noticed that as well and what are your thoughts on it?

  • @ufrafecy
    3 years ago

    deleted by creator

    • @couldbeanybodyOP
      34 years ago

      IPFS is awesome but it has filecoin deeply woven into its use case, idk :/

      • @ufrafecy
        3 years ago

        deleted by creator

        • @couldbeanybodyOP
          4 years ago

          yes, i was very optimistic about it, learning hows CIDs are built etc, but when it came time to find content, the answer seemed to be that filecoin will incent developers to come up with realistic discovery services.

          same thing happened to me. I read the whitepaper et all, played around with IPFS and thought wow this is super cool, but then couldn’t do much with it.

  • @k_o_t
    54 years ago

    no, not really, i would even say the contrary, most ipfs projects whose development i follow are very libre and often have no intention of earning money by any means at all

    the only thing that i would slightly question is utilizing etherium…

    may i ask what projects you meant in particular?

    • @couldbeanybodyOP
      54 years ago

      For example Filecoin is developed by protocol labs, the same people who develop IPFS. I feel like for them it’s an integral part of the use-case of IPFS.

  • @soloninja
    03 years ago

    I thought filecoin was mainly going to appeal to miners for allowing storage solution and maintain the network. There is a use case