• @JohnBrownEnjoyer@lemmygrad.ml
    292 years ago

    In North Korea, people aren’t allowed to say anything bad about their job, they can only sing the praises of their bosses.

    Wait, did I say North Korea?

  • Tempo
    232 years ago

    My workplace (big desert resort) likes to remind us of their media policy on a regular basis, and sent an email pointing out that we shouldn’t be talking about our staffing problems online or directly to customers.

    Needless to say, we still tell everyone that the entire resort can’t get staff because they treat everyone like shit. Pretty sure management have caved in at this point because the situation isn’t getting any better and they aren’t willing to fix it.

  • Black AOC
    112 years ago

    Bold of them to assume that anyone with a lick of sense would want to associate themselves with the retail industry on social media