When I was finished with Serenum API, I started over with the website Serenum to show the data from the API with style.

I built the website with no JavaScript first, building for an example the bar charts with HTML and CSS by hand. After everything was done, I added 2 features with JavaScript: getting your current location 1 time with GPS and adding a map from Leaflet for choosing a place with it.

Thanks to this strategy, Serenum works perfectly with and without JavaScript.

The website are far from done, though. Both astronomical calculations and light theme are missing, more features with JavaScript will be added, and more.

  • airikrOP
    3 years ago

    I will prepare to make the move to met.no while waiting for their reply to the same question. Hopefully, they will not log as much or better yet, nothing at all.

    Edit OpenWeatherMap have now replied to my email to them where I asked what they logged when calling their API. And they do log a lot! IP addresses, location, operating system, and more.

    • airikrOP
      2 years ago

      The new version of Serenum API are now done. Just need to make the change to serenum.org too. I have another project to finish first, though.