• DankZedong
    202 years ago

    I do hate the poor so fucking much. So much that I want them to stop being poor. My number one goal is to make poverty illegal man. That’s how much I hate it.

  • Average socdem if you asked them about unemployment: “um akshually we need to keep 4 to 5% of the population unemployed so we can have maximum economic efficiency 🤓”

    (they want a reserve army of labour)

  • @bleepingblorp@lemmygrad.ml
    152 years ago

    Cartesian Otter, the Twitter user there, is an “economist” who on their Twitter frequently preaches the supposed positives of numerous liberal institutions and gives, in their words, “critical support to the people of Taiwan” and Ukraine.

    I suspect that user has two accounts, since if you google search “I eat papers social democrat” you’ll get CartesianOtter and cartesian_otter, the first having the text under the otter picture and the second having the otter picture itself. If you go into either though, the types of posts are the same.

  • AgreeableLandscape☭
    42 years ago

    We do hate the poor, we hate the poor so much that we’ve concocted a comprehensive plan to make them not poor anymore.